York Minster Society of Change Ringers

News and Events

2012 12 bell competition

York Minster rang in the eliminators at Stourbridge on Saturday March 24 2012, and came second, meaning we were in the finals this year.

Test Piece: 255 Stedman Cinques

Judges: John P Loveless (Chief), Linda M Garton, Stuart C W Hutchieson

Team Rang Speed Mark
Treble Eleanor Carr
2 Peter D Hughes
3 Helen E Green
4 Angela R Mitchell
5 Peter J Sanderson
6 Christine B Potter
7 David A Leese
8 Jonathan J F Stokoe
9 David R Mitchell
10 David E Potter
11 Timothy P Bradley
Tenor Christopher D Young

Conducted by Peter J Sanderson


On Saturday June 23 2012 at St Michael, Melbourne, York came 5th in the finals!

Test Piece: 264 Stedman Cinques

Judges: Ian Roulstone (Chief), David J Dearnley, Katherine L Town

Team Rang Speed Mark

York : placed 5th

Mark: 76 %  Peal speed: 3h19