York Minster Society of Change Ringers

News and Events

Fantastic achievement for YMSCR younger members

The YMSCR has a large contingent of younger ringers who gathered together one fine day and succeeded in a high quality performance on the back set of the 3 tonne bells. The skill in handling bells of such weight and ringing with precision is not to be underestimated for any group, and is especially remarkable given the average age!000977
York, North Yorkshire
Cathedral and Metropolitical Church of St Peter
Sunday, 29 May 2016 in 1h05 (59–1–23 in B♭)
1320 Plain Bob Cinques
Emma Coles
Claire Pearson
Claire Reading
Lucy Williamson
Alice Etherington
William Brooke
Eric Wolever
Jenni Shields
James Sanderson
10 Nathan Cox
11 Johny Stokoe (C)
12 David Leese
Rung by the younger members of the York Minster Sunday Service band, all under the age of 30.