York Minster Society of Change Ringers


Ringing Chamber

The panorama below shows the chamber in the South-West tower of York Minster from which the main peal of bells along with the carillon are rung.

Panorama by Barry Hale.You’ll need to have Apple QuickTime installed to view this (available for free here).

Each of the ropes is attached to a single bell, which are located further up in the tower. The rope with the largest box beneath it is the tenor (heaviest bell).

The keyboard instrument to the right of the view is the carillon, and is made up of two consoles placed back-to-back. The keyboard with wires attached connects to the physical bells, whilst the one behind it is a ‘practice’ carillon. The practice carillon simulates the real carillon in a similar way to an electric piano, and is connected to a computer which plays a digitally recorded sample of the appropriate carillon bell as it is operated.

A model of a peal of change ringing bells can be seen in the centre of the panorama, along with YMSCR’s peal, membership and scrap books.