2009 12 Bell Final
The York Minster Team came 5th place in the National 12 Bell Contest 2009. This year, the final was held at St. Paul’s Cathedral, London. Full details, including comments from the judges and recordings of the test pieces can be…
2009 12 Bell Eliminator
The York Team Front row, r-l: Christine Potter, Helen Green, Eleanor Carr, David Roberts, Peter Sanderson, James Sanderson Back row l-r: Chris Young, Peter Hughes, David Mitchell, David Potter, Tim Bradley, Rob Lee A team of ringers from York Minster…
What do we do?
The vast majority of our ringing forms part of worship at the Minster. We are privileged to have two sets of bells in the South-West tower (pictured) as well as the clock bells in the North-West tower. The main set of…
Who are we?
Who are we? The York Minster Society of Change Ringers are the group of volunteers responsible for ringing the bells of York Minster.